Your inbound marketing strategy will only be as successful as your web visibility.

On-page and off-page SEO are only two of the many aspects of search engine optimization that are both within your control and out of it. You may start using link development, which includes back-linking, as part of your SEO plan right immediately.

What is Backlinking?

Backlinks are links from a page on another website to your own website. If you win an award, for instance, the announcement on the website of the awarding body may include a link to your website. This page has a backlink.

The two fundamental parameters used to classify back-linking are the total number of backlinks and the total number of referral websites. The total number of backlinks is equal to all of the links pointing to your website from other websites. How many different websites are employing such links is shown by the number of referring domains?

As a HubSpot partner, for example, our website often links to HubSpot’s, as shown in the sentence above. As a result, our website is giving HubSpot a lot of backlinks from a single referral domain.

What are the advantages of backlinks for SEO?

Along with the frequency and content optimization of your website, backlinking is one of the most important factors affecting your website’s ability to rank in search results.

Two key factors that affect search rankings in Google’s search algorithm are domain authority and trust score. Each of these signals is directly influenced by backlinking counts.

The total number of domains linking back to a certain domain yields its domain authority.

In exact proportion to the caliber of the websites that link back to yours, your own domain authority will increase.

The trust score statistic considers the reliability of your referral domains. You may have a high domain authority thanks to powerful backlinks, but if Google and other search engines don’t assign them high trust ratings, you may still rank poorly.

The validity and quality of the content that referral domains are utilizing to link back to your website are called into question if your trust score is lower than your domain authority.

In general, backlinks from websites with low domain authority or trust ratings are undesirable. Backlink opportunities should be evaluated to ensure that they will enhance your search results, not the other way around.

Google, for instance, recognizes the websites of the government and colleges as being extremely reputable domains. Direct links from these websites will considerably raise your domain authority and trust score.

Methods for Creating Backlinks

Your business may start gaining backlinks and leveraging them to raise its search engine results using a variety of strategies.

Guests posting:

One of the best methods to increase backlinks is guest posting. By making a contribution to another company’s blog, you may make sure that a link from their domain points back to your website.

Given the importance of trust score and domain authority, it’s essential to choose potential guest blogging opportunities carefully. If you want to write for a website, only contact sites that would increase your domain authority and trust score as well as sites that potential customers would stumble onto.

If you don’t have much time to dedicate to guest posting, you may still get backlinks through our guest posting service.

Fixing broken links

Having learned about potential guest blogging opportunities, you can visit these websites and start searching for broken links in articles that are relevant to your business or its goods.

Check to see whether you have a blog, page, or other pieces of content that might replace the broken link if you find it when browsing the content on another website.

The publisher or owner of the website may then be contacted to request permission to take over that linking opportunity and establish a new link to your website.


You may collaborate to develop a single piece of content that will be posted on all of your sites, or you can share related, supporting content with partners that have brands that are similar to yours. Both businesses have the ability to create backlinks as a consequence.

Social promotion

Similar to co-marketing, you might work with a partner or affiliated business to exchange social media promotion for a chance to get a backlink. If the brand agrees to include your domain in their writing, you may share the content on your own social media in return.


Building backlinks is still being worked. Your chances of establishing domain authority and trust, which will raise your search engine results, rise as you devote more time to it. But because it’s a primarily manual procedure, a lot of trial and error can be required. Regardless of your backlinking strategy, success depends on ongoing outreach, and exploring new possibilities.